Terms of Use


Ethics and Values

XAKK stands for justice, equality, truth, and does NOT stand for racism including but NOT limited to racism by color, ethnicity, cultural identity, sexual identity, or creed.

We aim to stand against tyranny and to serve our fellow man worldwide, no matter the risk. We encourage success for our readers, columnists, advertisers, affiliates, and partners who value XAKK and stand up for equality, freedom, liberty, truth, and the pursuit of justice for all whilst standing up against oppression and racism always.

Reprint or Re-post Permissions

You may re-post a XAKK article on your site as long as you make sure you link back to the original article.   If you want to re-post more than one article, please use our RSS feed


Report Ethical Violations

If you feel that an article or comment presented on XAKK violates our ethics and values and presents harm to the readership, please report via email.

Your mail will be sent to our board Editorial Board members for review. Please be specific in your report and include the URL address, title of article or comment and any other information that you would think helpful for a review. The board will take action and respond back to you.


Report Copyright Violations

It is the policy of the website to NOT publish any copyright material and if such an event occurs without the knowledge of the website, such material will be immediately removed upon written notice. If you feel that your copyrighted material appears on this web site without your permission, please send your request to remove via email.



We do NOT sell any information harvested on XAKK. In fact the only time we get the info on readers is when comments are posted and we only do that to prevent spammers from posting garbage porn and gambling site URLs, getting free authority link backs. Anyway, we are able to learn the IP address from comment posters so we can ID where they are when they posted. Any other information provided is purely by consent of the poster.



In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, no one under 13 years of age can use our Web site. If you are a minor between the ages of 13 and 18, you may use our Site only in conjunction with your parent, legal guardian, or other responsible adult.



The links on XAKK allow you to leave our site. Please be aware that once you leave our Site and enter another web site, our Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. Your browsing and interaction on web sites that have a link to XAKK or any links contained in a linked site, is subject to that web site’s own rules and policies. XAKK is not responsible for the privacy practices employed by these sites, nor the information or content contained therein. We provide these links to you only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by XAKK of the site. Please read over the rules and policies of these sites before proceeding. If you have concerns about any site that is linked on XAKK, please contact us.



All articles that appear on XAKK are owned and copyrighted by their authors and NOT XAKK.   If there are any violations of law or issues with articles in any way, the sole responsibility for the content rests with the writer and NOT XAKK. In addition, XAKK acts as a vehicle for writers. It is NOT obligated to keep any article on site at its discretion. As a correct and proper service, writers may request from XAKK a full back up of their work posted on XAKK or can request that their articles be removed at any time. In short, the writers control the copyrights of their work.